about me

My Weight had Been Okay, Until ...

about me

My Weight had Been Okay, Until ...

…until I hit my 50s.

Then, it was like someone flipped a switch. The scale started moving up.

At first, it wasn’t too bad, a pound here, a pound there.

Nothing to worry about, I thought.

With a little extra willpower and determination, and a few more salads the weight would disappear.

That little up and down dance worked for the next 10 years…and then it was like I had hit a wall.

More salads didn’t stop the weight gain.

Willpower and determination weren’t working like they used to.

Wait…what was happening?

I knew from my work coaching midlife women that weight gain was a common complaint. I had seen how it undermined their self-confidence and made them doubt themselves.

And now it was happening to me.

My stomach developed a soft pooch that grew bigger. My waist got thicker and my back got broader.

I no longer fit into my regular sizes.

There were large and sometimes … gulp, extra-large shirts in my closet now.

I began to avoid looking at myself in the full-length mirror. I didn’t like shopping for clothes. Instead, I indulged in more shoes - one area where things were still the same size.

I signed up for the local gym with the best of intentions, but then petered out within a few months, something that became a familiar pattern over the next few years.

At one point, feeling desperate, I joined a weight loss program, but I couldn’t stomach their diet meals and hated counting calories. I was hungry...and cranky all the time.

I tried apps to monitor my calorie intake, apps to track my activity, and apps to motivate me to eat less. All pretty useless.

I worried I was passing a point of no return.

During this time I completed my credentials as a certified hypnotist, having become a certified coach a few years earlier, after 35 years as a Certified Public Accountant.

I became interested in whether hypnosis could help women with their weight loss goals.

With hypnosis, I finally understood why I had struggled to lose weight even though I knew what to do.

I put my new knowledge to work and the weight gain stopped. Gradually, as I learned to listen to my body’s signals for hunger and fullness, I stopped overeating.

I quit using food to entertain myself when I was bored or cheer myself up when I was feeling sad or overwhelmed.

I found healthier things to replace the late-night snacking which was my biggest downfall.

Increased awareness and a better understanding of my underlying emotions and beliefs about food made the difference.

I reversed my weight gain without having to count calories, starve myself or live at the gym.

After that, it was an easy decision to add weight loss success coaching to my practice.

I've been blown away by how powerfully hypnosis helps women identify and reframe deep-seated and damaging beliefs about their body, their self-worth, and their relationship with food.

After working with me, women come away with a new understanding of themselves, a healthier way to eat, and tools to maintain an approach to eating that is easy and natural, and that they can stick to for life.

I love that my work helps women feel better about themselves and live happier healthier lives.

I've discovered that

I've discovered that

It's Never Too Late to Lose That Weight

It's Never Too Late to Change Your Life

...all you have to do is take the first step.

You can avoid the mistakes I made and have the body you want sooner, not later. We'd rather not admit it, but ...the clock ticks on, so don't wait.

Weight Loss Success Coaching & Hypnosis Services

Private 1:1 coaching & hypnosis for weight loss success and a slimmer, healthier and happier you.

This program is a unique blend of hypnosis and personal coaching.

Hypnosis heals emotional wounds that undermine your self-worth and lead to emotional eating and weight gain.

Coaching resets your beliefs around food and creates sustainable new eating habits you can live with forever, so you never have to worry about your weight again.

Struggling on your own to lose weight is hard. Private one on one sessions will keep you from getting discouraged. Get the support you need to stay on track.

This program is a unique blend of hypnosis and life coaching.

Hypnosis heals emotional wounds that undermine your self-worth and lead to emotional eating and weight gain.

Coaching resets your beliefs around food and creates sustainable new eating habits you can live with forever, so you never have to worry about your weight again.

Struggling on your own to lose weight is hard. Private one on one sessions will keep you from getting discouraged. Get the support you need to stay on track.

Neutralize your harmful sabotaging Beliefs

Change old limiting beliefs that undermine your weight loss success. Free yourself from years of damaging thoughts about your body and your self-worth.

reconnect to Your natural hunger regulatinG system

As we grow older weight loss is more challenging. Hypnosis is a proven tool that makes weight loss easier and faster. It's not about depriving yourself or getting in more exercise.

Neutralize your harmful sabotaging Beliefs

Change old limiting beliefs that undermine your weight loss success. Free yourself from years of damaging thoughts about your body and your self-worth.

reconnect to Your natural hunger regulatinG system

As we grow older weight loss is more challenging. Hypnosis is a proven tool that makes weight loss easier and faster. It's not about depriving yourself or getting in more exercise.

learn healthier ways to handle emotions

Stress shows up in your body as physical pain, lack of energy, and low motivation. Learn and apply techniques and strategies to manage your stress instead of distracting yourself with food and overeating.

learn healthier ways to handle emotions

Stress shows up in your body as physical pain, lack of energy, and low motivation. Learn and apply techniques and strategies to manage your stress instead of distracting yourself with food and overeating.

Martine J.

' I had the most amazing experience working with Jo Ann. . . . she is phenomenal'

I loved working with Jo Ann. She is a gifted coach and hypnotist. She brings a wealth of life experience but above all she is a beautiful soul; calm, intuitive, compassionate and I love her youthful playfulness.

Her most beautiful talent and gift is in her hypnosis. She has her own unique style. Powerful indeed. It’s hard to describe, and definitely one of those things you have to experience for yourself.

Martine J.

The content on this Website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately.