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Weight Loss Success


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That slimmer, healthier Body

You Want is

still Possible.

Regardless of your past experiences, disappointments, or failures.

I'm on a mission to help women 40+ lose their unwanted weight so they can live a longer, healthier and happier life.

Struggling To Lose Weight?

Join the wait list for my free Weight Loss Success Masterclass.

Because you know it's about more than counting calories and going to the gym.

It doesn't matter what's happened in the past, it's not too late.

You can still lose weight permanently, without struggling.

Life Coaching and Hypnosis are a

powerful combination for weight loss success

even though other methods have failed.

Weight Loss Success Coaching & Hypnosis Services

Private 1:1 coaching & hypnosis for weight loss success and a slimmer, healthier and happier you.

This program is a unique blend of hypnosis and personal coaching.

Hypnosis heals emotional wounds that undermine your self-worth and lead to emotional eating and weight gain.

Coaching resets your beliefs around food and creates sustainable new eating habits you can live with forever, so you never have to worry about your weight again.

Struggling on your own to lose weight is hard. Private one on one sessions will keep you from getting discouraged. Get the support you need to stay on track.

This program is a unique blend of hypnosis and life coaching.

Hypnosis heals emotional wounds that undermine your self-worth and lead to emotional eating and weight gain.

Coaching resets your beliefs around food and creates sustainable new eating habits you can live with forever, so you never have to worry about your weight again.

Struggling on your own to lose weight is hard. Private one on one sessions will keep you from getting discouraged. Get the support you need to stay on track.

Neutralize your harmful sabotaging Beliefs

Change old limiting beliefs that undermine your weight loss success. Free yourself from years of damaging thoughts about your body and your self-worth.

reconnect to Your natural hunger regulatinG system

As we grow older weight loss is more challenging. Hypnosis is a proven tool that makes weight loss easier and faster. It's not about depriving yourself or getting in more exercise.

Neutralize your harmful sabotaging Beliefs

Change old limiting beliefs that undermine your weight loss success. Free yourself from years of damaging thoughts about your body and your self-worth.

reconnect to Your natural hunger regulatinG system

As we grow older weight loss is more challenging. Hypnosis is a proven tool that makes weight loss easier and faster. It's not about depriving yourself or getting in more exercise.

learn healthier ways to handle emotions

Stress shows up in your body as physical pain, lack of energy, and low motivation. Learn and apply techniques and strategies to manage your stress instead of distracting yourself with food and overeating.

learn healthier ways to handle emotions

Stress shows up in your body as physical pain, lack of energy, and low motivation. Learn and apply techniques and strategies to manage your stress instead of distracting yourself with food and overeating.

Meet Jo Ann

Fear tamer, coach, hypnotist, mentor.

Mom of two and survivor of the dreaded teenage years!

Leap taker (literally… I jumped from an airplane.)

Yes, I jumped from a perfectly good airplane and hurtled to the ground! Crazy, right?

Ok, it was a tandem jump and there was a big parachute. So, no, I'm not totally insane!

I had always told myself, that if I could find the courage to jump from a plane, I could do anything. So, for my 65th birthday, I decided to test that theory.

Hypnosis FAQs

These are some of the common hypnosis questions.



Hypnosis is a natural state of heightened focus and awareness. With hypnosis, you can access the memories and experiences stored in your subconscious in a way you can’t using just your conscious mind.



Most of the obstacles you experience in life come from what misperceptions about your value and worth. Using hypnosis we clear up those misperceptions and strengthen your sense of self. When you love yourself you find you treat yourself better.



Hypnosis is absolutely safe. You may be surprised to know that you’ve experienced a form of hypnosis every time you meditate, daydream, or become engrossed in a movie or a good book. You are always in control when you're experiencing hypnosis.



With a few minor exceptions, most everyone can be hypnotized. The primary requirement for hypnosis is a desire to be hypnotized. When a person is relaxed and open to hypnosis, it is easy for a skilled hypnotist to guide the person into hypnosis.



No, hypnosis will not make you do anything you don't want to. You may have seen hypnosis used for entertainment on TV or in places like Las Vegas shows. That is entirely different from how hypnosis is used in hypnotherapy to help people change their lives. You are always in control of your actions and can exit hypnosis whenever you choose.



Hypnosis is not like sleeping. It's a form of heightened awareness and concentration that allows us to access your subconscious directly. You are aware of our conversation and what's going on around you. In hypnosis you are relaxed and more receptive to helpful suggestions.

Syd Z.

'I could not do this with just anyone - it needed to be someone I trusted and Jo Ann is definitely that person! '

I had suspected for a long time that there was 'something' holding me back in regards to why I have not been able to successfully lose weight and keep it off.  The first time I met Jo Ann, she acknowledged these feelings and said she could help me overcome them.  I was stunned that someone finally agreed with me and immediately felt comfortable with her as someone to guide me down the path. 

Katina S.

'Working with Jo Ann is a gift.'

Change isn't always about hard work or pushing yourself on a treadmill - it can also happen in your mind. Studies show the effectiveness of hypnosis. Athletes use it all the time. 

Jo Ann helped me reconnect to my sense of self. I feel more joy. It's like I was living in black and white, and now I'm living my life in technicolor.

If you’re considering working with Jo Ann - just do it.

The content on this Website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately.