work with me

Your success is one click away.

1-on-1 Private Coaching

Weight Loss Success

6 Weekly 90-minute Zoom sessions

One Monthly 60 Minute Follow-Up

Session for 3 Months


Payment Plan Available

  • Reconnect to your body's natural hunger signals
  • Learn to eat only when you're hungry
  • Handle emotions instead of distracting with food
  • Stop your emotional eating

Weight Loss Success

1-on-1 private coaching plus 3 month follow-up

Coaching Services Details

6 weeks with 90-minute sessions


1 Monthly 60-minute session

for 3 months


payment plan available

Customized to your unique lifestyle

and preferences

Hypnosis sessions to remove negative

beliefs about yourself

Stop emotional eating

Neutralize years of damaging

social pressures

This program is delivered over 6 weeks through weekly 90-minute Zoom coaching sessions.

Plus A 60-minute follow-up session each month for 3 months afterward to integrate your new mindset and skills into your daily life.

It's a powerful combination of hypnosis and life coaching that helps you identify and change your beliefs around food, eating, self-image, and self-worth that are creating obstacles to weight loss success.

Make your eating plan work for you and your lifestyle and personal preferences. Achieve permanent and sustainable weight loss success without counting calories or struggling.

Learn how to reconnect to your body's natural signals for hunger and fullness. Eat only when you're hungry, and stop eating before you feel stuffed.

Discover healthier ways to handle emotions, rather than distracting yourself with food.

Learn to stop emotional eating. No more eating to comfort yourself or just because you're bored.

Monica M.

'She helps me think things out . . . '

I've enjoyed working with Jo Ann. With her coaching, she helps me think things out and create a plan of action to move forward. Excited to work with her in the future. Monica M.

The content on this Website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately.